Day №. 1 DEMO
A million laughs with a high school gal pal...priceless!
[here's her "let's rock this demo" attire...complete with candy cigarette]
Our goal for today was to "see the light" into the dining area!
After prepping the kitchen & laying coverall sheets over all of the surfaces
(for anyone who has gone through demo while living in the house...
you know that there is absolutely NO way of complete coverage) we got started.
Ha! That crazy, teeny-tiny dust gets EVERYWHERE!
As we got the first sledge hammer whack into the wall...
was when we realized that we are dealing with plaster.
After living in the house for 10 years one would think I could be sure about this...
but a girl can dream of drywall!
The whacks were in much need of super girl strength
...WOW plaster is thick.
And shoot, complete with heavy duty wire mesh around all of the seams...YAY!
But...we made our goal...cabinets & wall down and the light was shining through!
Can we get an AMEN?
So excited that our first day is done...what a feeling of accomplishment.
Two gal pals, lots of tools, tons of sore muscles & we head into Day 2!
Can't wait!
And if it couldn't have gotten any better...
➳ one of the sledge hammer whacks produced our state, the State of IL
➳ we found hardwood flooring under the ceramic tile
➳ the wall was not a load bearing wall
Stay tuned for more Farmhouse Kitchen renovation to come!
Follow along with the Lucky Junk Shop...

Check for upcoming sale dates...